Sustainable Biodesigner

Book Article
Gloria Saldarriaga, Editor in Chief, Creative Director, @gloriasald
To resignify is the verb that describes this print. Its intention bringing together two views: one that covers a cause, safeguarding, a nation's honor, and the other which adorns us, boasts of the beautiful, the unattainable, and the sublime. Both dress, protect, communicate, and are fashionable. Reinvent, reuse, redesign, actions which accompany humans condition since the beginning of time. Beauty seen with different eyes... this is a project in which those eyes decided to be one.
Andrés Oyuela, Photography, @andresoyuela
Model, Maria Victoria Montoya, @toyamontoya
Texts, Carolina Obregón @carro.obregon, Miguel Mesa Posada @miguelmesaposada, William Cruz @weegecruz
Graphic Design, Tangrama , @tangramabogota
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This book brings a unique experience for students and professors from the Master’s in Design at Universidad de los Andes. The team visited San Andrés island connecting through a systemic analysis observing the reality of its inhabitants. Based on active research on sustainability within the island, a visions seedbed was generated, placing design at the service of the community, while suggesting new collaborations, restoring lost connections, and strengthening current ones. Design Visions for a Sustainable San Andrés is a space for reflection and critical action by identifying grassroots problems. This work is aimed towards the community, designers in training, the academic team, professionals driven by their vocation, and readers in general.

Designers guide for Bio-Composite exploration.
The comprehensive Compobast Fibres guide is here for all sustainable designers who are in search of information and guidance through the world of old-new materials. We would like to bring you a resource you can glide through with ease and comfort, finding all the information needed for your environmental and sustainable practices and design criteria. This guide aims to introduce the product and fashion designers to the idea of “the composite” as a structural, shapable material, useful for producing both flat and organic forms, and to suggest possibilities for replacing conventional fibers with natural fibers and biopolymers. Our experiments are by no means comprehensive, as material science in this area is relatively new and samples of the polymers expensive and challenging to use in our conventional workshop setting. Having said that, we feel it is important for designers to jump on board and start experimenting in this area, and join in the conversation about bio-composites and bio-plastics. Designers’ form-giving knowledge, plus a willingness to conduct creative hands-on trials, is a valuable contribution to the field. It can support and even direct material scientists toward developing the most useful materials.

Magazine Article
Fashionopolis book review for the El Malpensante magazine, Colombia 2020

Masters Thesis, Aalto University
The fashion industry is one of today’s most unsustainable global businesses. This thesis asks the question of how fashion designers can contribute to change the current paradigm. To answer this question I have studied the most recent research on sustainable fashion design and business. In addition, I have interviewed a broad range of successful sustainable fashion designers in order to get their perspectives on the trends that are occurring, their potential for contributing to radical change, and their views for the future. I first conclude that these small design-driven practices are insufficient for the radical change that the literature says must occur. I also conclude that the basis for a more extensive change to occur starts with fashion design education and consciousness. I add a proposal for a fashion design syllabus as an example of how education could become a pivotal marker for a paradigm shift. In sum, my research shows that society must change radically and collectively, with educators, fashion designers and business leaders working in unison to become part of the solution and not continue to be part of the problem.

Cumulus Conference Santiago, Chile, 2012.

Magazine Article
Rebelde: Rei Kawakubo
Article written for Publicaciones Semana, Colombia 2017
Conference Proceedings
Exploring the Use of Amazonian Nanostructured Fibers as Prêt-à-porter fabrics
ICNF 2015 – 2nd International Conference on Natural Fibers (Published in conference proceedings), Azores, Portugal, 2015.
Conference Proceedings
Big Changes Start Small: A Look at Sustainable Fashion Design Efforts Around the World
Cumulus Conference Denver, CO, 2011.
Conference Proceedings
“From cosmopolitan localism to enhancing sustainable design practices by the use of algae for
bioremediation in San Andrés”
Conference proceedings Intersecciones, Catholic University, Architecture, Design, and Urban Studies Faculty, Santiago, Chile, 2019.
Conference Proceedings
Cumulus Conference (published in conference proceedings), Dublin, Ireland, 2014.